Thursday, February 7, 2008

Imran Khan's freudian slip

In the Newsweek magazine of 11 Feb 2008, Imran Khan gave an interview which was published in "the last word" on the back page. In it he discusses Pakistan's descent into bloodshed and chaos. I just couldn't ignore the many similarities with a country I hold dear...

To quote "...There's an economic meltdown taking place. There are blackouts. Factories are closing. Unemployment is increasing. There's a huge fiscal deficit. A trade deficit. A wheat deficit. This has never happened before...I cannot understand it. Last year was the bloodiest year in Pakistan's history.."

and it's just there at the end where you need to replace Pakistan with South Africa to have a great summary of what the beloved country is going through.

Since coming back to Ireland after 3 weeks in South Africa, over Christmas, an amount of dread has been growing in my heart. Dread for the people and country I love so much.

I feel that because people in South Africa are in a certain sense trapped in the situation (everyone's mom and granny isn't quite as movable as the young people already overseas) and because South Africans always feel that they have lived through worse times, unbelievably, a false realism and optimism still prevails despite overwhelming facts to the contrary. Facts that point to the imminent decline of another wealthy african state to below-the-breadline corrupt africa.

And sure, the rest of the world is in an imminent economic recession and not even China is gonna live up to its potential this year, but the rest of the world is not becoming a suburban warzone. That is happening to only a handful of countries. Iran, Pakistan, Kenya, South Africa and the like.

This is breaking my heart. It's not I-told-you-so revenge typing. It's a tired sadness. I don't know how to think about South Africa anymore. I so wish to go back one day, live in a rural community, start a school, build solar panels for the poor. But, seriously? Is that dream even worth harbouring anymore? Or am I just leading people astray through my own false optimism? While safely tucked away in Ireland where I can happily walk wherever I like after dark it's easy to dream happy dreams about africa.

Good gracious, even God had the common sense to tell Joseph to flee to Egypt when he realised that his son's life was in danger.

But some small shard of hope still wishes, trusts, prays that sometime in the future our country can heal, and grow. I just don't think that time is now. There are too many angry and hungry young people seeking revenge for their own miserable lives in Godforsaken countries, seeking refuge in our country. These tsotsis are above the law and they know it. They now rule the country.

Cry, the beloved country.

What a soppy, miserable post. No need to comment, I just needed to get it off my chest. I needed to publish my own reality check. It makes it more real.


BoerinBallingskap said...

Ek kan net se dat ek daardie gevoel van hartseer met jou deel...

willemras said...

Ek kan definitief nie hiermee saamstem nie! Daar is tragedie in Suid-Afrika, maar dit is geensins vergelykbaar met Pakistan nie.

So, sonder om gebeure wat gebeur het te ontken, of weg te dink, of wens, dink ek is dit baie moontlik om 'n sinvolle bestaan hier te voer.

Die geleenthede is ongelooflik. Ons sit met 'n wereldklas ekonomie en 'n vaardighede gebrek. Nou, enige ingenieur, rekenmeester of dokter behoort tans pap te skep terwyl dit reen.

Die vraag vir my is meer of dit moontlik is om Suid-Afrika vir jou te laat werk. Suid-Afrika werk nie glad nie, net omdat dit gevaarlik is om in 'n groot huis in Waterkloof te bly nie.

Suid-Afrika werk veral as jy in jou kar klim in wildtuin toe ry. Suid-Afrika werk as jy Kaap toe vlieg en in 'n 5ster gastehuis bly (teen R800 per aand!) en op die Kaapse strande loop en die Weskus pad ry.

Wanneer laas was jy op die plaas en het jy in die watergat geswem?

Wat's volgende? Ons het nie eers publieke vervoer tussen Jhb en Pta nie. Die lughawe & Sandton lyn begin binnekort hardloop. Die volgende is 'n wereldklas busdiens. So? Dan is die voete terug in die strate. In Johannesburg se middestad het Nedbank, Anglo, BHPBilliton en 'n paar ander saamgespan om Mainstraat op te knap ... en daar is voete op straat.

Maar wat moet mens nou doen om te keer dat jy kopverloor in die huidige onstuimighede?
1. Beskerm jouself. Bly maar in die townhouse en nie op die plot nie.
2. Reis rond. Nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook deur die res van die wereld. Jy gaan volgendekeer meer geduldig wees by OR Tambo as jy besef jy wag net so lank in Geneva vir jou tas.
3. Doen dinge. Hou op tv kyk en stap vir 'n slag om die blok saam met jou hond en vrou.

Vir die wat 'n paar idees nodig het, kyk bietjie hier op na 'n paar lekker plekke ...

Komaan mense!

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